GE Les Lones

We are a family nursery producing fruit trees from young vines, located at Piolenc, about 40 km from Avignon and 100km from Marseille .

The company has existed for more than 40 years and keeps on developping every day.

We are working all year long, the peak season is autumn and winter.

Our company

We employ permanent and seasonal staff, working in the lands or in the workshops.

Our jobs

Agricultural worker : the agricultural worker takes part in the nursery planting, the nursery maintenance, disbudding, uprooting, loading and unloading of the vines, graft preparation, vines overseeing, orders preparation.

In the workshops, the worker takes part in the vine sorting, waxing and grafting.

Our values

Ambition : to produce quality vines and to conquer new markets

Diversity : to welcome skills from different backgrounds, diversity is part of our organization and richness

Team spirit : envolvement and engagement of everyone in mutual respect, to achieve the company projects

Work examples

Work is carried on in the fields or workshops, it is repetitive and physical. No specific knowledge or skills are required. In-house trainings are put in place. There is a mild climate, favourable for outdoor work.

Living conditions

Furnished accommodations are available near the company.

The common areas are made of : an equipped kitchen (table, chairs, crockery, fridge, cook, storage furniture),  showers,  toilets

The rent is to be paid monthly.

The food costs are to be paid by the employees.

Some rules of procedure are established and regulate the rules of living within the accommodations and common areas.

Particular requirements of the managers :

  • Work discipline
  • Compliance with working hours
  • Deliver a responsible work
  • Avoid conflicts
  • Not consuming alcohol during working hours or in the living areas

To work within the company

As soon as the new employee arrives, the manager presents him /her the position, the team, the hierarchy, the working conditions, the organisation of the company, the equipments and the vehicles.

The contracts of employment are based on the French law, with social and healthcare contributions. Employees work 5 days a week, full-time.

The monthly salary is about 1700 euros net.

Foreign employees can benefit from accommodation and parking spaces are available for employees coming with their own car.

Join Us

We are hiring all year long, through job ads published on job sites, and through our employees’ acquaintances.

You can send your CV via e-mail at, all CVs are reviewed.

Successful applicants are contacted by phone for a first interview, aiming at verifying experience and professional project.

Successful candidates are assisted in the administrative procedures until their arrival in the company and during the taking up of their position. They have to pay themselves for the transportation costs to come to the company.

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